Monthly Archives: March 2014

March Update


March 31st is coming up soon and that means a quarter of the year is over already!  At the beginning of the year I made a resolution and goal to have a portfolio that I could be proud of by the end of 2014.  So far, I think that it’s going great! I have that commission that I am working on ( hopefully with get final approval of the design by  next week ), and I applied for a ( more ) creative job that I don’t already have!  It’s a marketing position and I would basically be working in advertising for the chemical industry. Man, the tree hugger in me is really cringing after that sentence.   However, I’m sure I would get it since I kind of stumbled my way through it because I was so nervous.

But on to happier things! – I’m going to make it my Quarter year goal to enter an art contest!  I figure that I should probably keep this momentum going while it’s still good.

More Art Rage sketches to follow!